In addition, we evaluated the content of total sIgA in the intestinal juice to assess mucosal immunity

In addition, we evaluated the content of total sIgA in the intestinal juice to assess mucosal immunity. In conclusion, we found that EBN can reduce the intestinal immune injury induced by CY by accelerating the proliferation and activation of B-cells and enhancing antibody secretion of B-cells. Keywords: chemotherapy, immunological enhancement, intestinal mucosal immune, EBN Introduction Cancer is the leading cause of death in developed countries and the second leading cause of death in developing countries.1 Chemotherapy is one of the most common therapeutic modalities and is also the only systemic therapy for the treatment of cancer. In patients with middle-stage or advance-stage cancer who cannot undergo medical procedures or radiotherapy, chemotherapy is the only effective method. However, chemotherapy is FGF3 usually a double-edged sword as it not only kills cancer cells but also causes serious damage to the mucous membrane and even results in apoptosis. 2,4,6-Tribromophenyl caproate Numerous side effects, including mucosal dysfunction and immune impairment, seriously reduce the quality of life of patients and even may prevent further treatment in severe cases.2 Therefore, identification of a safe adjuvant medicine and reduction of immune impairment and/or any other side effects induced by chemotherapy could result in great 2,4,6-Tribromophenyl caproate improvement of quality of life of patients with cancer. This is also an important topic that has gained much attention and is discussed by cancer experts and scholars worldwide. Edible birds nest (EBN; the nest of 2,4,6-Tribromophenyl caproate swiftlets, known as Yanwo in Chinese), which is well known as the Caviar of the East due to its nutritional and pharmaceutical value, comes from swiftlets and belongs to the family Apodidae and the genera Aerodramus and Collocalia.3,4 Although EBN contains amino acids, carbohydrates, and mineral salts, its major ingredients are glycoproteins.5 EBN, with its sweet taste and neutral properties, can nourish lung yin, dissipate phlegm, and relieve cough and is believed to be the most effective medicine recorded in the Compendium of Materia Medica. This substance has been used as health tonic since the Tang (907 AD) and Sung (960C1279 AD) dynasties.6 Despite a long history of using EBN for pharmaceutical purposes, there are few scientific reports around the medical and health benefits of EBN. The medicinal benefits of EBN have been validated based on its multiple bioactivities. Recently, scholars have found new benefits of EBN, such as potentiation of the mitogenic response of human peripheral blood monocytes and stimulation of DNA synthesis in 3T3 fibroblasts.7 In addition, epidermal growth factor (EGF) activity has been detected by a radio-ligand receptor assay.8 EBN can enhance immune function, specifically humoral immunity and cellular immunity, via a stimulatory effect.9,10 According to certain researchers, EBN extract (EBNE) can strongly inhibit infection by influenza viruses11 and can safeguard articular cartilage by reducing the expression levels of matrix metalloproteinase in vivo.12 EBN is reported to be antioxidant rich, and scholars have found that bioactive compounds are released from the EBN matrix when digested in the gut and are then absorbed into the gut by passive-mediated transport to exert their functional effects.13 Recently, certain researchers found that EBNEs might confer a neuroprotective effect against 6-OHDA-induced degeneration of dopaminergic neurons, particularly through inhibition of apoptosis.14 However, the study of the specific effects of EBN on B lymphocytes is still very limited. In the present study, we examined the effects of EBN 2,4,6-Tribromophenyl caproate on B-lymphocyte proliferation, activation, and immunoglobulin production. Materials Mice BALB/c mice (female, 18C22 g, 6C8 weeks old) were purchased from the Guangdong Medical Laboratory Animal Center (production license NO. SCXK [YUE] 2008C0002). The animals were housed in a specific pathogen-free environment (temperature =22C2C; humidity =55%5%) with a 12 hours light/12 hours dark cycle. All procedures and protocols in.

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