higher secondary school3743363049

higher secondary school3743363049. according to the sixth criterium of Wilson and Jngner, the acceptance by pregnant women of the screening program for non-RhD antibodies. Methods Controlled longitudinal survey, including a prenatal and a postnatal measurement by structured questionnaires. Secretin (rat) Main outcome measures: information satisfaction, anxiety during the screening process (a.o. STAI state inventory and specific questionnaire modules), overall attitude on the screening program. Univariate analysis was followed by standard multivariate analysis to identify significant predictors of the outcome measures. Participants: 233 pregnant women, distributed over five groups, according to the screening result. Results Satisfaction about the provided information was moderate in all groups. All screen- positive groups desired more supportive information. Anxiety increased in screen- positives during the screening process, but decreased to basic levels postnatally. All groups showed a strongly positive balance between perceived utility and burden of the screening program, independent on test results or background characteristics. Conclusion Women highly accept the non-RhD antibody screening program. However, satisfaction about provided information is moderate. Oral and written information should be provided by obstetric care workers themselves, especially to screen-positive women. Introduction The scope of prenatal screening has considerably widened last two decades. The number of tests increased, and the time frame expanded to preconceptional. While consensus exists about the restriction to evidence-based tests for routine use, the benefits and burden of many tests in current use are poorly documented, as is the case for screening for red blood cell (RBC) antibodies, other than Rhesus-D (RhD). Screening for non-RhD antibodies in all pregnant women has been implemented in most developed countries. In the Netherlands, screening for those so called non-RhD antibodies, was introduced in 1998 in absence of evidence of its effectiveness and costs [1,2]. Clinically relevant non-RhD antibodies can cross the placenta and may, like RhD antibodies, induce hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN). HDFN is a serious condition that can give rise to fetal hydrops, fetal death or neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, resulting in permanent neurological damage by kernicterus. The obvious objective of the non-RhD screening program is timely detection of pregnancies at risk of severe HDFN, as this condition can be effectively treated by intra uterine transfusions and/or postnatal exchange transfusions in severe cases, or by postnatal phototherapy and/or blood transfusions in moderate cases [3-5]. Moreover, screening during pregnancy facilitates quick Dnm2 identification of the specificity of detected antibodies, if a blood transfusion to the mother is necessary during delivery. Despite the face validity of this approach, which facilitated its introduction, empirical evidence is Secretin (rat) limited compared to the evidence supporting screening for RhD antibodies. For this reason the Dutch screening program was evaluated in a nation-wide study [6]. The results of this study show that, if we compare screening for non-RhD antibodies and for RhD antibodies, the prevalence of non-RhD antibodies is about fourfold (328/100,000 versus 75/100,000). However, the number needed to screen (NNS) do detect severe HDFN, due to non-RhD antibodies is 20,000, compared to 4,000 to detect severe HDFN by RhD antibodies This is due to two reasons. First, many pregnant women show non-RhD antibodies due to previous blood transfusions (transfusions are RhD matched). For this reason in about 40% of the non-RhD positive pregnancies the father C and also the fetus C is antigen-negative for the blood group antigen against which the maternal antibodies are directed; in these cases the fetus is not at risk of developing HDFN [6]. In case of RhD antibodies almost all fathers are antigen-positive, which underlies the observed immunization [7]. Second, Secretin (rat) among many non-RhD antibodies, only few (only anti-K, anti-c, anti-C, anti-e and anti-E) actually can cause severe HDFN [3,6]. Combining probabilities it turns out that about 1:50 of pregnancies with non-RhD antibodies results in severe HDFN versus 1:4 of pregnancies.

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