In this case, there was no striatal inflammation or transgene loss detected in the second-injection site

In this case, there was no striatal inflammation or transgene loss detected in the second-injection site. this case, there was no striatal inflammation Benzenepentacarboxylic Acid or transgene loss detected in the second-injection site. In addition, striatal readministration of rAAV2/5-GFP also resulted in no detectable immune response. Furthermore, delaying rAAV2/2 striatal readministration to a 11-week interval abrogated the immune response in the second-injection site. Finally, while striatal readministration of rAAV2/2 leads to significant loss of transgene in the second-injection site, this effect is not due to loss of vector genomes as determined by quantitative real-time PCR. We conclude that intracellular processing of AAV capsids after transduction is the immunogenic antigen and capsid serotypes that are processed more quickly than rAAV2/2 are less immunogenic. Introduction A single administration of recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) in the brain or the periphery of a naive animal is minimally immunogenic.1,2 Benzenepentacarboxylic Acid Recombinant AAV is also capable of infecting dividing and nondividing cells, and maintaining stable and long-term gene expression in postdifferentiated cells, especially neurons.3 For instance, neuronal transduction can provide protein production for several years,4,5 which is an imperative property of rAAV when considering the treatment of long-term progressive neurodegenerative disorders. However, tissues with rapid cell turnover like lung epithelia, and liver, may require repeated administration of vector to achieve the desired therapeutic level = 6) or perfused for histological evaluation (= 4). The remaining groups received additional 2 l injections of rAAV2/2-GDNF (rAAV2/2-GDNF readministration and saline/GDNF or GDNF/saline control groups) in the left striatum and were processed for ELISA or histological evaluation at the end of 8 weeks (see Figure 1a). The rAAV2/2-GDNF injections in the rat striata produced consistently unchanged levels of GDNF in both the single- and twice-injected animals (= 0.62; Figure 2a). This observation was confirmed via staining for human GDNF (Figure 2b). Open in a separate window Figure 1 Experimental design. The timing and experimental groups are schematically represented for each experiment in this study. The number of subjects is indicated for each treatment group at the right of their treatment regimen schematic. (a) Experiment 1: rAAV2/2 GDNF readministration. Animals were divided into surgical groups and received injections of rAAV2/2-GDNF or sterile saline in the right striatum. After 4 weeks, the first group of animals was processed for either enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) or histological evaluation. The remaining groups received additional injections of rAAV2/2-GDNF or sterile saline in the left striatum and were processed for ELISA or histological evaluation at the end of 8 weeks. (b) Experiment 2: rAAV2/2-GFP readministration experiment. Animals were divided into surgical groups and received injections of rAAV2/2-GFP or sterile saline in the right striatum. After 4 Benzenepentacarboxylic Acid weeks, the first group was processed for stereological cell counting and histological evaluation. The remaining groups received additional injections of rAAV2/2-GFP or sterile saline control injections in the left striatum and were processed for stereologic cell counting or histological evaluation at the end of 8 weeks, excepting one readministration group that was maintained for a total of 12 weeks to control for time of expression. (c) Experiment 3: striatal readministration of mismatched capsid serotypes (rAAV2/2 versus rAAV2/5). (d) Experiment 4: rAAV2/5 readministration. (e) Experiment 5: delayed rAAV/2/2 readministration. (f) Experiment 6: rAAV2/2 readministration: CMI or transgene expression loss? CMI, cell-mediated immunity; GDNF, glial cell lineCderived neurotrophic factor; rAAV2/2, recombinant adeno-associated virus 2/2. Open in a separate window Figure 2 Intrastriatal glial cell lineCderived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) expression as determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA) and immunohistochemistry. (a) ELISA quantification of GDNF protein in right and left striata of the four treatment groups. Groups were initially injected with 2 l rAAV2/2-GDNF or sterile saline as a control IL8RA in the right striatum and after 4 weeks received an additional injection of either 2 l rAAV2/2-GDNF or sterile saline in the left striatum. Each side from.

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