Censored cases are indicated with dots

Censored cases are indicated with dots. cases are indicated with dots. Log-rank (Mantel-Cox) analyses were performed to compare median time of negative seroconversion.(TIF) pntd.0011910.s004.tif (1.9M) GUID:?B2FD7365-A3B7-4922-A5BD-A0F85B3EF33F Attachment: Submitted filename: measured by conventional serological tests and by the lack of sensitivity of parasitological tests. Previous studies indicated that tGPI-mucins, an -Gal (-d-Galtrypomastigotes surface coat, elicit a strong and protective antibody response in infected individuals, which disappears soon after successful treatment. The cost and technical difficulties associated with tGPI-mucins preparation, however, MGC116786 preclude its routine implementation in clinical settings. Methods/principle findings We BMN-673 8R,9S herein developed a neoglycoprotein consisting of a BSA scaffold decorated with several units of a synthetic -Gal antigenic BMN-673 8R,9S surrogate (-d-Gal= 0.0016) and higher rate of patient negative seroconversion (89.2% vs 43.2%, < 0.005) as compared to conventional serological methods. The same effect was verified for every Group, when analyzed separately. Most remarkably, 14 out of 24 (58.3%) patients from Group 3 achieved negative seroconversion for -Gal-ELISA while none of them were able to negativize for conventional serology. Detailed analysis of patients showing unconventional serological responses suggested that, in addition to providing a novel tool to shorten follow-up periods after chemotherapy, the -Gal-ELISA may assist in other diagnostic needs in pediatric Chagas disease. Conclusions/significance The tools evaluated here provide the cornerstone for the development of an efficacious, reliable, and straightforward post-therapeutic marker for pediatric Chagas disease. Author summary The limits of the current criterion for cure, i.e., negative seroconversion determined by conventional serology, and the lack of validated and sensitive markers for early assessment of response to trypanocidal drugs in Chagas disease stress the necessity of novel therapeutic response markers. Towards this goal, we herein developed by synthetic chemistry a neoglycoprotein bearing an -Gal antigenic surrogate, termed NGP-Tri, and evaluated its performance in a large cohort of infections. Introduction Chagas disease, caused by the protozoan parasite transmission primarily occurs by exposure to the contaminated feces of blood-sucking triatomine vectors. However, humans can also become infected through the ingestion of tainted food/fluids, blood transfusion, organ transplantation or transplacentally. According to BMN-673 8R,9S epidemiological data, the latter mode of transmission occurs in 5% of babies born to parasites or crude homogenates BMN-673 8R,9S derived thereof), it may take years for patients to achieve negative seroconversion [14]. In addition, conventional serological techniques display low predictive value for diagnosis and/or follow-up of congenital infections due to the passive transfer of maternal antibodies [3]. Aiming at developing reliable post-therapeutic biomarkers, different strategies have been explored. These included host-derived biochemical and/or immunological signatures such as cytokine patterns, specific cellular responses and, mostly, antibodies to defined antigens or antigenic fractions [15C18]. Among the latter, the best results were obtained with the F2/3 or tGPI-mucins fraction, which is obtained by sequential solvent partitions from purified bloodstream trypomastigote forms, and which basically consists of highly or other pathogens bearing surface -Gal glycotopes were shown to elicit strong and protective humoral responses against these structures [22C26]. It should be noted, however, that -Gal antibodies may also be elicited in response to cross-reactive -galactosyl-containing glycans displayed by commensal enterobacteria[27]. The tGPI-mucins demonstrated excellent sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy as a Chagas disease diagnostic biomarker[19,28]. In addition, antibodies to this fraction were shown to disappear from patients circulation concurrently or soon after parasite elimination, thereby affording an appropriate marker of cure[29C33]. However, methodological drawbacks, i.e., need for culture of infective forms of the parasite, costly and difficult purification procedures, batch-to-batch inconsistencies, etc., preclude its routine implementation in clinical settings. As an alternative approach, the use of neoglycoproteins (NGPs) containing tGPI-mucins oligosaccharides has been proposed [6,34C38]. We have recently developed one NGP, henceforth NGP-Tri, consisting of a carrier protein (BSA) decorated with several units of the synthetic trisaccharide -d-Gal[39]. Serological characterizations showed that this trisaccharide is an -Gal antigenic surrogate, as it is recognized by -Gal antibodies from.

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