Descriptive statistics and regression analysis were applied
Descriptive statistics and regression analysis were applied. Results: The Nor-SSc cohort included 896 individuals. the study, individuals except from medical evaluation, were submitted to pulmonary function checks (Diffusing Capacity of the Lung for Carbon Monoxide (DLCO) and Pressured Vital Capacity (FVC) and High-Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) We have recorded all instances of major infections, leucopenia and abdominal pain. Results: After 6 months of MMF treatment, DLCO ideals improved significantly compared with baseline (average DLCO:74,8% versus 63,1%). Pulmonary lesions were minimized in 2 out of 3 individuals with recent alveolitis and decreased in a patient after 6 months of MMF treatment. Dyspnoea and cough have been minimized within 3 months. There were no significant adverse events during our study. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the use of MMF like a first-line treatment with low dose corticosteroids from individuals with diffuse systemic sclerosis and early medical evident alveolitis is likely to be an effective, well tolerated and safe alternate treatment . P.068 Interstitial Lung Disease in SCL70-Positive Scleroderma Patients with Limited Cutaneous Form E. Zanatta1, P. Polito1, E. Balestro2, M. Favaro1, E. Pigatto1, F. Ometto1, A. Martini3, L. Budesonide Punzi1, F. Cozzi1 1 Rheumatology Unit – Division of Medicine DIMED, University or college of Vegfb Padua, Padova, ITALY, 2 Respiratory Diseases Clinic, University or college of Padua, Padova, ITALY, 3 Unit of Internal Medicine – Division of Medicine DIMED, University or college of Padua, Padova, ITALY Intro: Anti-topoisomerase-I (SCl70) antibody positivity classically associates with diffuse cutaneuos SSc (dSSc), while anti-centromere antibody (ACA) with limited cutaneous SSc (lSSc); however, a populace of individuals with antiScl70 positivity and lSSc has been explained. Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is definitely nowadays the 1st cause of mortality in individuals with SSc; its progression can range from a self-limiting form to a rapidly progressive lung involvement despite immunosuppressive treatment. The aim of our study was to investigate the pulmonary involvement in individuals with SCl70 positivity and limited cutaneous form (SCl70-lSSc) in comparison to those affected by diffuse cutaneous form (SCl70-dSSc). Our second endpoint was to identify predictors of ILD Budesonide worsening. Material and Methods: Consecutive Budesonide 110 scleroderma individuals affected by ILD on HRCT (score higher than 2) going to the SSc medical center of University or college of Padova were included and retrospectively evaluated. 92 individuals were female and 18 male, the mean age and disease duration were respectively 57.9 13.9 and 14.84 10.55 yrs . For those individuals we regarded as spirometry indexes (FVC e DLCO) and HRCT at ILD onset and at last follow up. Time between SSc onset and ILD Budesonide 1st evidence was defined Budesonide as scleroderma free ILD. ILD grading was identified relating to a validated score by a trained radiologist. ILD progression was defined as either an HRCT score worsening of at least 2 points, or as a significant progression of spirometry indexes, namely 10% and 15% for FVC and DLCO respectively. Results: SCl70-dSSc individuals were more frequently affected by ILD than SCl70-lSSc (p 0.0001), which showed a longer scleroderma free-ILD. At ILD onset pulmonary function was worse in the SCl70-dSSc group than SCl70-lSSc group (p=0.02 e p=0.009 for FVC e DLCO respectively), even in the absence of a significant difference between HRCT scores (10.254.93 vs 12.735.25, p=0.284). The mean ILD period was 84 years, related in both group (p=0.978). Total ILD progression was significantly higher in SCl70-dSSc (p 0.0001). Multivariable regression analysis showed that diffuse cutaneous form was an independent predictors of ILD progression (OR 10.18, 95% CI 2.85-36.38, p 0.001). Conclusions: The results of our study shown that ILD is definitely more frequent and progressive in individuals SCl70-dSSc than in SCl70-lSSc. Cutaneous diffuse form resulted to be a significant predictor of ILD worsening. Since the right classification of SSc individuals is extremely important in look at of a quick treatment, our data confirm that it could be worth to identify individuals with SCl70 and limited cutaneous form like a different and specific subset. P.069 A Phase II Randomized Controlled Trial.